A loan helped to purchase a large shipment of flip-flops.

Julia Justina's story

Sra. Julia, age 58, is a single mother who is originally from Granada. She has three grown children who live independently. Julia is a merchant who sells shoes and flip-flops. She started her business with little merchandise to sell at the market. Later on, with the sales she made, she was able to save enough money to invest in her business and have a better inventory. As time passed, she saw the need to buy more stock for her business. With the help of financial institutions, she was able to invest more into her business and now her daughter helps her. Her products are sold in the surrounding areas of Granada and there is demand from her customers. It also helps that the place where she sells is heavily populated and frequented by tourists. Her expectation is to remain active by acquiring more merchandise.

Julia will use this loan to buy flip-flops since there is more demand during the winter season. She estimates that the loan will be of help because she will be able to offer a wider variety of products to her customers and generate more earnings. Her plans include directing half of her profits into a savings account so that she can secure her future.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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