A loan helped a member to buy fertilizers and plants.

El Cacique Group's story

Nemesia is 32 years old and a member of the El Cacique group. She says that they picked this name because there is a mountain near the place where they meet and it has that name. It’s also representative of its population.

She raises and sells avocados and that she began this business because she had a large parcel of land and also wanted to help her husband with the household expenses. She says that she goes out to sell in the local supply centers during the harvest season. She also says that she desperately needs to request a loan through Vision Fund (FRAC) in order to buy supplies to improve her avocado production, now that blight has his several of her trees. She needs this loan so that the fruit doesn’t fall, otherwise she will have losses instead of gains. She says that she will buy insecticides, organic fertilizers, and 30 more avocado plants to plant. She talks about increasing the size of her orchard and begin planning peaches now that she is doing good business. The other 19 members are Isidra, María Cristina, Laura Cecilia, María Teresa, Alicia, Araceli, Yazmin, Belén, Elsa, Ma Guadalupe, Alberta, María Guadalupe, Rosalba, Jannet, Patricia, Tatiana, Mónica, María and María Guadalupe Eziquio. They will invest their loans into supplies for raising avocados, different seasonal fruits to sell by the kilo, cattle feed to get better quality milk, buying chickens and feed, items to stock grocery stores, different type of clothing for ladies, and gentlemen.

In this group: Isidra, Nemesia, Maria Cristina, Laura Cecilia, Maria Teresa, Alicia, Araceli, Yazmin, Belen, Elsa, Ma. Guadalupe, Alberta, Maria Gauadalupe, Rosalba, Jannet, Patricia, Tatiana, Monica, Maria, Maria Guadalupe

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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