A loan helped to increase his working capital so that he can serve more customers and earn more profits.

Muyoyeta's story

Muyoyeta runs a small mobile money transfer business in a fishing town called Kalabo. He recently got married and is a proud father of a baby boy who is 21 months old. Muyoyeta is 26 years of old.

Muyoyeta did not complete his high school education due to financial constraints, but this has not stopped him from trying. Now that he owns his own business, he has started attending evening classes so that he can get his high school diploma and set a good example for his son.

He has lived in the town of Kalabo all his life. He says he is happy to finally be able to offer his hometown a way of sending and receiving money that is easy, safe and affordable. When asked what challenges he faces in his business, he points to the fact that he does not have enough working capital to satisfy his customers. He goes on to explain that this is especially a challenge for him because his hometown of Kalabo has no banking services, and so when he runs out of cash, he has no choice but to electronically send all his working capital to a nearby town called Mongu, and have someone send some cash to him via a speed boat. This can take about two hours and he is charged a fee of K 50,000 (about $10). This is money that is meant to be his profit. He fears that should it happen that a boat capsizes, he would lose all his working capital.

Muyoyeta is hopeful that once he gets his Kiva loan, he will be able to serve more customers without the risk of losing all his money and earn more profits to help him finish his education and give a better life to his young family.

In the video, Muyoyeta is being interviewed by a representative from Mobile Transactions Zambia.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details