A loan helped a member to purchase mayonnaise, pork rinds, piquin chili peppers, avocados, tomatoes, etc.

Triunfadoras Group's story

This is the first time that the group "Triunfadoras" is working with the loan institution. The group members were very happy when the institution visited and they found out that they would take a group photo together. The group is made up of 7 women who live in the community of San Miguel Agua Bendita. The group members are: Manuela, María Elena, and Eusebia, who will invest in raising sheep; María Teresa, who will invest in sweets to sell; Sabina and Francisca, who will invest in raising chickens and turkeys; and María Rosa, who is the group representative.

The women chose the group name, which means "Winners", because they are all women who want to triumph in their businesses and families. Their community is known for having the biggest celebration, which is the celebration of San Miguel on September 29.

María Rosa is 24 years old and has been married for 4 years to her husband José Doroteo, who builds houses. Together they have two young children who are not yet in school.

Rosa, as she is known in the community, is very hard-working and spends the afternoons selling Mexican snacks such as corn on the cob, fried pork rinds, and toasted corn. She dresses the pork rinds with vegetables such as tomatoes and lettuce, mayonnaise, and shredded cheese. To the corn on the cob she adds mayonnaise, shredded cheese, and piquin chili pepper. She dresses the toasted corn kernels with mayonnaise, chunks of chickens, epazote herb, and piquin chili pepper.

Rosa is requesting this loan in order to purchase everything she needs such as corn, pork rinds, mayonnaise, shredded cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, cups, spoons, etc.

She has been working in this activity for 3 years. Rosa started the business after one occasion when she accompanied her mother-in-law in selling her Mexican snacks, and when Rosa saw how well her mother-in-law sold the snacks she decided that she herself would begin to sell as well.

Rosa sells every afternoon; she begins preparing the snacks at noon so that they are ready for the afternoon. She carries all of her supplies on her very helpful donkey. On the weekends her husband helps her; they are the busiest days because in general families get together and purchase more.

The only difficulty Rosa faces is the purchase of gas because the gas is very expensive and the price rises every time. However, she keeps her spirits up because when she cannot buy gas she uses the firewood that is cut in her community. She also loves to sell because she can chat with all of her neighbors during the afternoons. But more than anything, her earnings help her family a lot because she can buy clothing and can save up for building her own house. Her goal is for her family to live independently, since right now they live with her parents-in-law.

Rosa and the other group members are very grateful for the opportunity that Kiva offers them because it will help them greatly in their businesses.

In this group: Manuela, María Teresa, María Rosa, Sabina, Eusebia, María Elena, Francisca

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charlotte Helvestine.

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