A loan helped to ensure the upkeep of his coffee plantation, buy fertilizer and cover the costs of clearing the land of weeds.

Vicente's story

Vicente is 35 years of age. He is married, has one child, and lives in Níspero Santa Bárbara. Vicente’s income comes from a coffee plantation. He used to work growing basic grains such as beans, which were for consumption and for sale. He inherited 2.8 hectares of land from his father, where he grows his own crops.

Vicente’s coffee crops generate very good income. He has managed this plot of land for 11 years, although he has more years of experience as he worked in agriculture with his father from a very young age. He has requested a second loan of 12,000.00 Honduran lempiras for the upkeep of the land and to clear it of weeds. His goal is to maintain his plantation and harvest good produce so that he can obtain the income needed by his family and make improvements to his house. He would like to thank ODEF and Kiva for the financial support they give, as it is a great help to allow him to continue growing and improving his produce.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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