Verónica is 29 years old, single and lives with her parents and son, Yamil, whom she cares for in her own home located in Pampas.
She studied Primary Education in a local university where she learned everything necessary to get ahead. She worked in a recognized school but when her son was born she dedicated herself to his care. This is why at present, Verónica works growing potatoes, peas and broad beans in the fields that her parents gave her and where she gets the crops that are later sold in the city. She also breeds cows, pigs and sheep, animals that are sold when she needs. Verónica works hard day to day to keep her crops in good state as well as her animals. She now wishes for her son to grow so that she can go back to her profession.
This is her first loan with MFP, and feels comfortable with the support that she is receiving and is grateful for the confidence invested in her. Verónica promises to meet all of her payment quotas on time since she doesn’t want to let down her communal bank that is made up of a united and responsible people.
Verónica will use the money to buy natural fertilizers to spread over her potato crops of the yúngay (similar to a yellow potato) and amarilis varieties.
Translated from Spanish. View original language description.