A loan helped to again buy raw materials and supplies such as leather, imitation leather, applications, fabric, etc.

Lenin Antonio's story

Lenin used his previous CrediKiva loan to buy raw materials to make billfolds, key holders, handbags and purses which he sold quickly and earned money. He wants to continue increasing production to expand in the market, so he is requesting a new CrediKiva which he will use again to buy raw materials and supplies such as leather, imitation leather, applications, fabric, etc. to make new designs and take advantage of the approaching high season. This is when sales possibilities increase because customers receive extra pay and bonuses and buy a lot more.

This is why the CrediKiva is so successful. His message to Kiva lenders is the following: "Many thanks to Kiva and the Fundación Mario Santo Domingo. I hope to continue receiving their financial support so I can increase my business capital, work, sales and profits."

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

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