A loan helped to buy three cattle.

Zarovsha's story

Zarovsha is a 60-year-old woman. She is a widow and raises three children alone. She is an IDP and lives on a Bilasuvar IDP Settlement. Zarovsha has been breeding cattle for more than 25 years. She receives 120 AZN in financial support from the government monthly, but this is too little to cover her family's needs.

Zarovsha usually buys calves, raises them, and fattens them for 5-6 months. She then resells them for a more profitable price at the livestock bazaar. Her son helps her to look after the cattle and sell them at the bazaar. Her monthly income is 100 AZN, and this business is the main source of income for her family.

Meat is in very high demand in Azerbaijan, and people use it in everyday dishes like pilau and dolma.

She wants to expand her business and improve the living conditions of her family. She applied for a 1300 AZN loan to purchase three cattle. This will be her second loan, and she has a good loan history.

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