A loan helped to pay tuition fees for an undergraduate degree in Actuarial Science at Strathmore University.

Patrick's story

Patrick is a prospective student applying for a loan to start his undergraduate work on a Bachelor of Business Science degree in Actuarial Science at Strathmore University and this is his story:

I am Patrick, 21 years old, seeking a tuition fee loan to enable me to pursue a degree in Actuarial Science at Strathmore University. I am from a humble family background and needy. My elder siblings could not pursue their tertiary education because of financial constraints. My mother is not in a position to support my two siblings in secondary school, three in primary school and me. This loan will enable me to pursue my degree without any interruption due to lack of fees. I consider Strathmore University my best choice because of the high quality education offered, the discipline and facilities available for study.

My vision is to succeed in my university education and work with prospective financial institutions to participate in financial aid social programs. We wil reach more brilliant and needy students in society who have been unable to complete their studies due to financial constraints. I am personally very optimistic that my contribution to community welfare will bring a positive change in society. It is also my desire to join Kiva – not only as a borrower but also as a lender after my graduation – to ensure that this organization prospers with its activities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details