A loan helped to purchase a small rotisserie oven.

Jeanette's story

Jeannette is married and has two children. They live in a rented home in the District of San Martín in the city of La Paz.

Jeannette only has a high school education, so now she sells sweaters and jackets at the street fairs. She has to leave her little ones behind so that she can work more than 10 hours selling her products. Jeannette also generates income by selling food from the doorstep of her house in the evenings. For this reason, she is requesting a loan to buy a chicken rotisserie (for preparing roasted chickens, in other words, a small oven that slowly rotates the chickens while they cook so that they develop a unique and delicious flavor). This will help to improve her earnings. Her husband does not earn much money working as an assistant at an auto repair shop.

Jeannette dreams of living in a house through an "anticrético" agreement (a contract to rent property whereby the renter pays the landlord a fixed sum at the start of the rental period in lieu of paying monthly rent; at the end of the rental period, the tenant receives the sum back, in full, from the landlord, thus resulting rent-free living). This will help her save money and provide greater comfort to improve her quality of life. She also wants to start a rotisserie chicken business so that she can improve her income and take care of her children.

This is the fourth time she has worked with IMPRO and Kiva.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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