A loan helped a member to buy calabash gourds.

Tiessiri Group's story

All married in extended traditional families, the women who compose the TIESSIRI group average 40 years of age and 5 children each. They all live in the town of Yangasso, in the Segou region (fourth administrative region of Mali), and they know each other through family and neighborhood ties. They buy and sell calabash and other goods.

In order to increase their business, the members of the group have joined Soro Yiriwaso and are on their seventh solidarity loan.

Minata (second from the right in the photo) is planning to use her loan to buy four boxes of calabash, each box containing 70 calabash gourds to be sold in a month. Minata buys her goods at the large market of Bla. She sells for retail and cash at the Yangasso market, and, on ordinary days, from her home. Her customer base mostly consists of women.

With this loan, Minata is expecting average monthly profits to reach 18,000 CFA francs, which will be reinvested in her business and also used to take care of some household needs.

In this group: Minata, Korotimi, Aminata, Ami Madou, Djeneba

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

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