Julia, 58, has a spouse and one son in her care. She lives with her spouse and child in her own house. It’s mentioned that the quality of life in the community is at the subsistence level. Most of the residents are independent workers who are in commerce, agriculture and animal husbandry.
Julia lives in the Las Pampas settlement in Olmos District, Lambayeque Department. She has electricity and it’s also mentioned that all the families in this district live under the same conditions.
Julia’s commercial activity is selling lemons and passion fruit in the city of Lima. She does so three times a week. Her son in Lima receives the shipment and sells it. She also raises goats to sell which generates extra income to cover her own expenses. It’s worth noting that Julia has 10 years’ experience in this line of commerce which has allowed her to retain her business’ established regular clientele.
At present, Julia is asking Edpyme Alternativa for a new loan in the amount of 2500 new soles which will be used as working capital to buy lemons, passion fruit and animals and to buy animal feed because this is a very profitable activity in the zone which in time will allow her to improve her family’s standard of living.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.