A loan helped to buy construction materials like bricks, cement, ¼ iron, ¾ iron, gravel, zinc sheeting, wire ties, and glazed tiles. She will also pay for a helper and labor.

Julia Veronica's story

Julia lives in a village in Telica in the León department. She is an elementary school teacher in her village, and she has 22 years of experience teaching the children under her care. In the years that she has worked she has reached various generations where she planted the seed of knowledge.

She is married and has three children to whom she needs to provide the conditions for their development. She currently needs to improve her house, which is in a bad state.

Because of this necessity she decided to visit Ceprodel and ask for a loan. The loan is to improve the roof and wall. She will use the loan to buy materials like bricks, cement, ¼ iron, ¾ iron, gravel, zinc sheeting, wire ties, and glazed tiles. She will also pay for a helper and labor.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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