A loan helped to buy coffee plants and organic fertilizer.

Apolinar's story

Apolinar, 58, is a coffee grower and together with his wife, Sofía, and their three children they have worked in their fields for more than 30 years because this is the main economic activity in the region they live in.

Years ago the situation with the coffee was very difficult because its market value was very low and the yields they were getting generated hardly any profits. In fact, many residents from the area even lost their farms. However, Apolinar continued working his fields like he’d always done and currently coffee has recovered its value.

During this difficult period they alternated coffee production with growing anthuriums, orchids and sugarcane as well as raising bream; they also ran a grocery store which in those days were their main sources of income and continue to be business that produce good results.

Apolinar has set a goal for himself to increase his next three coffee harvests from the 18 tons he currently produces to 25 tons. In order for this to be possible it’s necessary to renew many of the plants and to use organic fertilizer and this is why he needs a loan because he knows that if he makes good use of the funds he will obtain good results.

Apolinar has been a member of “Unión Regional de Huatusco” [coffee cooperative] which is where he delivers his coffee crops for subsequent export. In the future, Apolinar would like to expand his orchid and anthurium nurseries since they are businesses his wife is currently in charge of.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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