A loan helped to buy spare parts.

Shola's story

This is 57-year-old Shola. He is married and has 4 children ages 34, 30, 29, and 26.

In 2001, Shola established his spare parts business. He began his business just to enable him to adequately cater to his family. His business is his only source of survival. Working 7 days a week and 13 hours a day, he earns about 1,600,000 SLL every month from this business. He would like a loan in the amount of 5,000,000 SLL. Shola has already received and successfully repaid a loan and now requires a new loan in order to buy engine oil, oil filter gasket maker, brake pads and batteries. He hopes that this loan will enable him to increase his monthly profits by approximately 350,000 SLL.

In the future, Shola plans to establish a larger spare parts shop, to embark on international business and to own a house. He thanks you for your support.

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