A loan helped a member to buy chickens.

San José (Cuenca) Group's story

The village bank San Jose is made up of 8 women and one man who live near the parish of Santa Ana in the city of Cuenca. This place has a cool climate and huge countrysides that show off its natural beauty. From the central park you can see a large part of the city of Cuenca. The people work in farming, animal husbandry, commerce and other activities in the city. They are known for their hospitality, friendliness and for keeping their customs and traditions alive.

One of the members of this group is Maria Carmen, 57, who is married and has 4 children. Three of them are married and live on their own, while her youngest son lives at home and helps with the chores. Her husband is a farm laborer. They own their home.

Maria Carmen takes care of the housework and the farming, growing food only for their consumption at home. She also raises cows, pigs, sheep and hens which she sells when she needs to.

She has been part of the bank for 15 years and will invest her new loan in the purchase of chickens.

Her goal is to keep growing her animal husbandry business.

In this group: Hilda Florencia, Ana Mercedes, Delia Mercedes, Gloria Esperanza, María Dolores, Mariano Rosario, María Carmen, María Clara, Rosa Elena

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Berghaus.

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