A loan helped to purchase a cash register for her pharmacy.

Tsermaa's story

Tsermaa is a 55-year-old woman who lives with her daughter and her infirm spouse in a small apartment. Her daughter is a high school pupil, and her husband became infirm a few years ago.

Aside from looking after her spouse, she supports her family by operating a pharmacy business downstairs from her apartment. She is a very hard-working and strong woman who vows to live her life only for her family.

“I have a few years' experience in the pharmacy business and I really appreciate that my business has expanded since I started it. If I buy a cash register, I can save all incoming funds there, not in my wallet. It's more comfortable for me and safer for my micro business,” she said happily.

Tsermaa is requesting a 1,500,000 Mongolian Tugriks (MNT) to purchase a cash register for her pharmacy.

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