A loan helped to buy basic grains, sweets, bread, and drinks.

María Julia's story

María Julia is 60 years old, and she has her own house. She has a store where she sells basic needs products like rice, beans, eggs, bread, and drinks, among others. She is well known in the area, and she has gotten a lot of customers.

She always has what people need, her products are very good quality, and she sells her products for accessible prices. Also, her service is unique. She always greets people very cheerfully.

María is a very hard-working and energetic woman with a lot of enthusiasm for getting ahead. She believes that success is not in the money or in the wealth; it is in the soul. It is with this thought that she decided to request a loan from Integral.

The loan will allow her to buy basic grains, bread, and drinks, etc. María Julia is confident that this way she will be able to improve her quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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