A loan helped to buy merchandise to stock his store.

Javier De Jesus's story

Javier is a person who has always been noted for being very hardwroking and always wanting to offer his wife and six children a good quality of life.

Javier used to work in the fields but the little opportunity that provided led him to move to the city seeking to generate more stable income. This is how he started out selling furniture. He did well but because he had little capital competition led him into bankruptcy. He then opened a general store where he stocks all basic staple items and he’s done very well with it. Thanks to this business he generates the income needed to support his family and this is why he works so hard at it every day.

Javier is notable in his business for offering very good customer service and for having very good prices in his products and thanks to this his sales have been good to such an extend that he’s been running out of some of his products. This is why Javier is looking for a loan to be able to buy basic staple items to stock his store and continue offering good products to his customers.

In this way Javier will be able to keep his great clientele and continue generating the income with which he covers household expenses. In addition, Javier dreams with being able to buy a house of his own to live in with his wife and six children.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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