A loan helped to buy natural fertilizers and to buy materials to build her house.

Julia's story

Julia is an unpretentious woman. She has been living with her husband, Celso, for 11 years. They have 2 children together, Flor and Yefferson and they care for them in their own house located in the town of Santa Rosa. She is a working woman, well, she is always busy. Her days begin caring for her corn fields, barley and beans, which during harvest season she sells to the merchants who come to her own farmland. During the evenings, she makes a little time to watch over her flock of sheep, fattening them up a lot, as this is where she gets her daily income, with the sale of the grown animals.

Also she continues working through the evenings, milking the cows, which is done at the farmhouse where she works. This activity she learned from her husband, who works at the largest farmhouse in the area, milking the farmhouse cows and receiving a considerable monthly salary that helps them a lot with the household expenses.

She is very happy to have at her side an ally in order to be able to carry through her objectives. This is her fifth loan through MFP, where she feels very satisfied to be able to develop her normal business activities, having the help of all of you. Also, she promises to make her payments in a timely manner, as she has always been honest and hardworking.

Julia upon receiving your support, will invest the money from the loan to buy natural fertilizers for her crops and with the rest of the money she will build a house on the land that she owns.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand.

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