A loan helped to buy various bags of natural fertilizer.

Julia's story

Julia, 47, is a hard-working owman. She lives in the company of Gerardo, her husband. Both have six children for whom they care with much love and affection. They built their little house in their town of Paltarumi. She is a very agile woman, above all because she always walks various kilometers to be able to milk her cos who are found in a stable in the outskirts of town. She dedicates all day to her cows because they always provide an average of 10 liters of milk with which she makes cheese which helps her to earn her daily economic income. Additionally, she takes advantage of this weather to be able to care for her crops of potato, maize, and other plants which she farms with a lot of satisfaction and sells in the same place. "The same traders come with their trucks, " she affirms. She feels relaxed and has many plans to improve her quality of life since her husband works in a road construction company where he is obtaining good income. She belongs to a joint group, "La rosa de paltarumi" and this is her fourth loan with MFP where she feels very satisfied to be able to develop her activities normally since she has the support of all of you. Additionally, she promises to make all of her payments in a punctual manner since she has always been a hard working and honorable person. Julia, upon receiving your support, will invest the money requested in the purchase of various bags of natural fertilizers to spread among her potato crops.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kate Divjak.

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