A loan helped to purchase spare parts.

Tokpanou Albert's story

Tokpanou Albert lives in Bénin. He is married to Gentille who is a tradeswoman. Tokpanou Albert completed primary school and then learned to be a mechanic. The couple has three children, some of whom are still in school. He and his wife are responsible for the various household expenses. In order to manage all the expenses, Tokpanou Albert has been a mechanic for about 18 years now. As a side business, he also sells spare parts. The business allows him to take care of his family's needs and his own. Tokpanou Albert would like to strengthen his business by purchasing spare parts for resale, which will help him properly respond to client demand. This is why Tokpanou Albert is requesting his third loan from ALIDé. The two previous loans were both properly repaid.

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Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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