A loan helped a member to buy wood, varnish, tools, etc.

La Alegria Group's story

Alegria [Happiness] is a group of 10 women from the city of Caacupé. These women want to move ahead and have a great entrepreneurial spirit. Their goal is to be able to work together and, by working as a team, to have a better lifestyle. They are now in their 3rd loan cycle with the Paraguayan foundation's communal bank for women.

Nilda, one of the members, describes herself as creative and hard working, with a great desire to succeed. She sells wood handicrafts that she makes. She tells us that her handicrafts are well known, as people truly appreciate them. Her skill has allowed her to get ahead. She can also help her family this way and meet their needs each day.

She is requesting this loan to buy wood, varnish, and tools to continue making her handicrafts.

In this group: Sonia Mabel, Nilda, Maria, Ursulina, Baldovina, Ramona, Edelmira, Verena, Cirila, Lucia

Translated from Spanish.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details