A loan helped to buy a water pump and dig a well for her farmland and buy necessary materials for producing mushrooms.

Nary's story

Nary is a young 27-year-old mother of four dependent sons who are still in school. For the sake of her entire family, she has been working at various businesses for five years including rice farming, pigs, cow-raising, and mushroom-growing.

Nary joined VisionFund in 2011 and she managed to pay back the loan successfully. The loan has helped her to run her multiple businesses smoothly, send her children to school, and has enabled her to have some savings. Now she can earn about US$5 per day. Therefore, she is confidently requesting a new loan of KHR 3,500,000 not only to buy a water pump and dig a well for her farmland but also buy necessary materials such as fungus, plastic bags, hay.. etc for producing mushrooms. She hopes to earn more money, keep improving her living conditions, and especially keep her children in school.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details