A loan helped to buy medicines and a cabinet.

Onaira's story

Onaira lives with her husband and their 2 children aged 1 and 9. She has been running a pharmacy for six years, and she sells medicines without prescription. She started with a few products, but she has gradually grown thanks to the loans she has received and by investing in her activity the profits she has made, being the very disciplined woman she is. She sells different medicines and she keeps her pharmacy well supplied; 45% of her sales are paid cash, the remaining 55% on credit. Her customers are inhabitants of the same neighborhood where the pharmacy is located and of the areas around it. Onaira has received 5 loans from Fundación Mario Santo Domingo, an institution she has been bound to for 5 years, and thanks to which she has succeeded in expanding her pharmacy by renting a place and she has placed there various cabinets and shelves. She is currently requesting a sixth loan, through Kiva, that she will use to buy medicaments and another cabinet. The success of this investment will mean she will have the change to increase her cash sales, and this in turn will help her offering more competitive prices. Her future goal is to buy her house, and she continues working in order to achieve her goal.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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