A loan helped to purchase quilts, towels, and sandals.

Julia's story

Julia is 53 years old and lives in the city of Barranquilla, where she makes a living selling goods through customer orders. She is married and has a 22 year old son who she hopes will become a successful person.

Three years ago she saved enough from the stand that her son supplies and started her own business adventure because she needed to feel productive and to financially support her home. This was how she began to purchase bed quilts and towels which she initially sold on credit to friends and relatives.

Julia has done very well with her business but she hopes for it to grow. The biggest challenge to expanding her business is having enough capital for purchasing and broadening her customer base. This is why she is asking for a loan, which is the first funding that she is requesting from the Fundación Mario Santo Domingo. With this loan she will purchase quilts, towels, and sandals that her customers have asked for, and thus her investment will become successful.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charlotte Helvestine.

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