A loan helped to stock his business with products like basic grains, sugar, and soft drinks, etc.

Carlos Antonio's story

Carlos, age 33, is married and has two children, ages 6 and 12. He lives in a village in Choloma, Cortes.

A year ago Carlos established his grocery store business. He sells basic needs products like rice, beans, flour, pastas, sugar, and soft drinks, etc. His wife helps him tend to the customers. Twice a week he works at a textile company where he gets extra income. The other days he devotes himself to the grocery store.

He is requesting a loan for 10,000 lempiras to buy food products like basic grains, sugar, and soft drinks, etc. He has had three previous loans, and they have helped him to increase sales.

His goal is to always keep his business stocked and to have products available for the customers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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