A loan helped to buy vegetables, fruits, plastic utensils, school supplies, and other products.

Dennis Mauricio's story

Dennis Mauricio is 28 years old and married. He and his wife have two daughters, ages 7 and 3. They live in the neighborhood of Tela, Atlántida.

Three years ago, Dennis established his business using his own funds. He previous worked at a private company. When he lost his job, he decided to go into business. This has also allowed him to spend more time with his family. In his business, he sells food products, groceries, and other items such as basic grains, dairy products, meats, vegetables, fruits, pasta, school supplies, and other items.

This is the first loan he is requesting. Dennis will invest in various products to restock his business so that he can stay in operation and provide better service to his customers. Some of the products that he needs include vegetables, fruits, plastic utensils, school supplies, and other items. His goals include growing his business, acquiring new products for his inventory, and maintaining his customer base. This will generate income to cover the educational expenses for his daughters.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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