A loan helped to buy fertilizer and to clear and weed his farm.

Marlon Ivan's story

Marlon Iván, 30, is married; his wife does household chores. He has three children who are 8, 4 and 2 years old; only the oldest is attending school. He lives with his family in Santa Barbará Department, Honduras.

Marlon’s economic activity is farming, specifically coffee growing. He helped his father with farming chores and with the experience he obtained he decided to become independent 14 years ago. His father passed down half a manzana [Central American unit of land measurement] to him to start his own crops. He states that since then he’s done well with the coffee sales since the price of coffee stays steady and he’s reinvested the profits he’s earned to plant more thus increasing resources needed to support his family. He works on his crops starting very early six days a week.

He’s very grateful to ODEF for providing him with a 12,000 lempira loan that he intends to use to buy fertilizer, for crop maintenance and to clear and weed his fields. With this investment he plans to earn more income that he’ll use toward his children’s education. His goal is to farm more land and produce good harvests to have an economic estate to pass on to his children.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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