A loan helped to buy merchandise.

Julia Nora's story

Julia is an entrepreneur, an excellent mother and basic grains and assorted daily use items merchant. She’s had her business for some time and it’s the household’s main source of income; together with her husband they’ve managed to become established as merchants. Her long-term plans are to improve the infrastructure of the business managing to enlarge it and to offer better customer service.

She will use the loan to buy merchandise like: basic grains (beans, rice, sugar, oil), soft-drinks, juice, toilet paper, soap, dairy products, groceries, cured meats, canned goods, shampoo, hair cream, detergent, snacks and vegetables, among other products that her customers look for frequently. She is grateful for the financial support for her business’ development and to improve her standard of living.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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