A loan helped a member to purchase cloth, outfits and cosmetic products.

Sope Serigne Fallou Group's story

The group was formed on the 10th February 2012. It comprises 13 women from different areas. They came together through friendship and proximity. Most of them are parents, and are small retail traders. Faty is the group leader, she is standing on the right in the photo. She is 41 years old and is responsible for a small girl. Her main activity is the trading of outfits, fabrics and cosmetic products. She has a small stall in front of her home where she conducts her business, as she has been doing for several years. This loan will allow her to buy more stock to meet her customers' wants. Her goal is to be able to meet the family's financial needs in schooling and healthcare, and to increase her savings.

In this group: Soda, Adja, Fatou, Awa, Ndeye Penda, Fatou Binetou, Teguene, Fatou, Fatou, Ndeye Ngone, Anta, Ndeye, Aissatou

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alistair Assheton.

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