A loan helped to purchase bundles of used clothing.

Normandina's story

Normandina is 58 years old, is widowed, and has five children. She lives in Colonia Moncada Lobo in the town of Juticalpa and makes a living selling second-hand clothing.

Normandina started selling used clothing more than 10 years ago. She works as a street vendor with one of her sons. They go out very early every morning to sell their goods in nearby villages and then return home in the afternoon. Normandina is a healthy woman and thankfully does not suffer from any serious ailments; however, one of her granddaughters has had problems with her vision and has already undergone three operations. Normandina’s granddaughter has now completely lost her vision and is unable to see.

Normandina is asking for a loan so she can purchase bundles of used clothing. This will allow her to stay in business so she can support herself and help her young granddaughter with the medical expenses from her illness.

Normandina’s dream is to see her granddaughter recover, and also to have a fixed location for her business so she won’t have to work as a street vendor and be exposed to crime.

Normandina has had four loans with FAMA and has been very punctual in making her payments.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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