A loan helped to buy clothing and shoes for women.

Sandra's story

Sandra is 41 years old and married. Her husband is a farmer. They have two children (ages 22 and 18) and live in the neighborhood of Agua Blanca, El Progreso, Yoro.

Sandra started her business of selling clothes and shoes two years ago so that she could earn income to support her family since there were no jobs available. She offers clothing and sandals for women. At the moment, she is requesting a loan of 20,000 HNL to invest in clothes and shoes. She says that she currently has income to pay some of her household expenses. For this reason, she is motivated to move forward. Her goal is to continue investing her earnings and increase the variety of merchandise that she offers to her customers.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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