A loan helped to buy poultry birds and build a poultry housing unit.

David's story

David is aged 36 and has practiced farming for four years, producing mainly maize, milk and beans, and selling them to the local market. He is married with four children, aged between one and 12 years.

David has requested Juhudi Kilimo to advance him a loan of 50,000 KES to help him venture into poultry farming. He says he wants to start a poultry business in order to maintain a steady income for his family. He will use the 50,000 KES to buy poultry birds and build a housing unit. He adds that his confidence level is high for the performance of the poultry business since there is a ready market for poultry products.

David says fluctuation in farming produce remains the major challenge, since input costs are consistently high.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details