A loan helped to buy corn, firewood, and lime powder for her business.

Ma. Brigida's story

María Brigida started in the business when she was very young. She did not have the resources to be able to go to school. She had to help with the household income.

She currently lives with her daughter and a grandson. She is a very humble and hard-working woman. She has been making and selling tortillas in her house for 23 years. She starts at 6:00 a.m. when she goes to the mill to prepare the dough. Her daughter helps her, and they work together to fill her customers’ orders. She has orders from restaurants, grocery stores, and people who visit her business. Her dream is to be able to see her grandson graduate from the university. She wants to see him be able to have the opportunities that she was not able to have.

She is requesting a loan for 12,000 lempiras to buy corn, firewood, and lime powder. She has a wooden house, so she needs part of the loan to buy cement to make some improvements. She wants to be able to offer her family better living conditions.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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