Blanca Damaris, 34, is married and has two children who are 14 and 18 years old and are attending school. She lives in Barrio Trincheras de Choloma, Cortes. She’s been working in her own business for about 7 years; she sells Avon and Arabela products via catalogue. She sells all types of cosmetics and gold-plated, gold and silver earrings, chains, rings and bracelets. She started this business with her own funds. She was motivated because this type of business attracted her attention and because it produces good profits. She works five hours daily.
She is asking for this 15,000.00 Lempira loan to buy cosmetics and gold plated, gold and silver items to have a good selection available for her customers. Her idea is to continue growing in business and for her children to manage to graduate from university.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.