A loan helped to restock his business with soft drinks and juices to sell.

Ernesto's story

Sr. Ernesto is 40 years old and has been married for 21 years. He has five children (ages 20, 15, 12, 7, and 3 months), three of whom are in school. Ernesto lives in the subdivision of Buena Vista de Omoa, Cortes.

Don Ernesto has a business of selling soft drinks and juices. His property is located on the shores of the beach and he taken care of it for several years. However, his income was insufficient, so he decided to start a business of selling bottled soft drinks and juices in order to generate extra income. He has been in this business for five years and attends to his customers every day.

Ernesto is requesting his second loan in order to maintain the inventory of his bottled soft drink and juice business. This will enable him to generate income for his family. His goal is to provide a good education for his children so that they can improve their quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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