A loan helped a member to buy groceries.

Brillantes Estrellas Group's story

The "Brillantes Estrellas" communal bank is starting its third loan cycle in the Andes regional office. Ten members participate in this communal bank, where Dolores is the president. The women have various businesses in trade, production, and services such as braiding blankets, selling sweaters, selling fruit, managing a grocery store, selling vegetables, and making sportswear.

Dolores is a 41-year-old single mother with three children. She joined the communal bank twelve years ago and since then has been working in the grocery store business. The loan she will take out is to increase her merchandise by buying groceries that she will purchase from the city of El Alto. She will market it in her sales space every day.

When we asked her what she likes the most about Pro Mujer, she said that she likes the simple loans and that the training is useful.

In this group: Dolores Lidia, Luordes , Virginia , Maruja, Hilaria, Seferina, Cecilia, Nicolasa, Anabela, Maria Candelaria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Amy Polenske.

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