A loan helped a member to buy ink, paper, bags, calendars, and to provide maintenance for silk screen printing machines.

La Cabañita Group's story

Doña Consuelo, 53, belongs to the communal bank "La Cabañita" (The Little Cabin). The name of the group comes from the fact that its meetings used to be held in a cabin belonging to one of the members. Consuelo has a silk screen printing workshop which she has been running for ten years. She makes calendars, agendas, posters, and prints thesis papers, t-shirts or mugs. She also prints party invitations, brochures, etc. She claims the business was started by her husband who taughter her how to use the machines to make letters, drawings, embroidery designs, etc. She rents space for her shop since she does not have room at home for the machines. The loan she is requesting is to buy ink, paper, bags, calendars and to pay for machine maintenance. The loan will be very helpful because she has many thesis-printing orders this time of the year and she will be able to obtain the materials she needs for this.

She is married to Raúl and their adult children live independently. Consuelo's goal is to open a shop in her house so she does not have to pay rent which is expensive and cuts into her profit.

The other 13 members of the group are Leticia, Maria del Rosario, Florentina, Maribel, Tomasa, Blanca Estela, Maricela, Martha, Isabel, Liliana, Reynalda, Sofía, and Alejandra. They will be investing in a grocery store, fabric for sewing crafts, seasonal fruit and vegetable sales, ingredients to make bread, costume jewelry sales, mechanical workshop tools, chicken sales, and catalogue clothing and shoe sales.

In this group: Consuelo, Leticia, Ma Del Rosario, Florentina, Maribel, Tomasa, Blanca Estela, Maricela, Martha, Isabel, Liliana, Reynalda, Sofia, Alejandra

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

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