A loan helped to buy products for her business.

Mayra Juliana's story

Mayra has her small general store business where she sells a variety of products such as beans, corn, sugar, coffee, bread, rice, eggs, soft drinks, juices, and many other products.

She is a very determined person, and really likes what she does, as her work begins from an early hour every day of the week. Her customers prefer her because of her good service. Her husband helps her with the business and with her two small children, who attend the community school. Thanks to the income she gets from her business she can support them, and give them a better quality of life each day.

She is applying for a loan in the amount of 20,000 lempiras to invest in the business and to be able to offer a greater variety of products to her customers. Her dream is to see her business grow, and she hopes that Prisma can support her.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jeff Goldie.

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