A loan helped to pay for her tuition fees to help her finish an undergraduate degree (Bachelor of Science) in Hospitality Management at Strathmore University.

Veronica's story

Veronica is a student applying for a loan to pay for her tuition fees to help finish her undergraduate degree at Strathmore University. This is her story:

I am Veronica, 20 years of age, from Kenya. I have both my parents and am the first-born of eight siblings. One is in high school, five are in primary school, and the last-born is still too young to go to school. I am a second-year student at Strathmore University, pursuing a degree in Hospitality Management. It has always been my dream to take a Hospitality Management course at a Catholic University that is upscale in ethics and professionalism, and Strathmore University had all that to offer.

I would like to take out this loan so that I can cover my outstanding fee balance, without which I risk discontinuing my studies since the whole family depends on my father for school fees and other expenses. My goals are to enhance my career in the hospitality industry as well as to be an entrepreneur in Fashion and Design. I trust that by attaining this loan the certainty of my dream will be clearer.

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