A loan helped to buy basic needs products like beans, rice, flour, instant corn dough, salt, sugar, soft drinks, bread, eggs, meat, coffee, and sausages, etc.

Efren Antonio's story

Efrén, age 56, has been married for 40 years. He has two independent children, ages 39 and 26. He lives with his wife in the Juan Avelar neighborhood in Siguatepeque.

Fifteen years ago when Efrén was looking for a source of income to live on, he decided to invest and establish a grocery store business where he would sell food products. He would sell the basics (beans, rice, flour, shortening, eggs, coffee, dairy products, meat, sausages, canned goods, bread, and soup packets, etc.).

He started it through his own efforts, and he has managed to gradually stock the store. He devotes the whole day to this business, and he is helped by his wife.

He requested a loan for 20,000 lempiras to stock his inventory with basic needs products like beans, rice, flour, shortening, sugar, “maseca” (instant corn dough), eggs, coffee, dairy products, meat, and sausages, etc. He will do this in order to continue selling and to give his customers better service.

He hopes that in the near future he will not have to depend upon loans. He hopes to work with his own capital in order to stock his business and to have a better quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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