A loan helped to purchase more food items like, biscuits, milk, Nomi, and many others.

Rose's story

Rose is a 40 years old businessman, who lives in Juba. He is married with 5 children between the ages of 15 and 2. 4 of them go to school.

Rose runs a food store business and he has been in this business for 6 years. He has 1 employee. Rose heard about Finance Sudan through the advertisements made on radio Miraya and promotions done in the market by the officers. He is taking a loan of 3,000 SDG to purchase more food items like, biscuits, milk, Nomi, and many others. Besides this business; Rose has no other source of income.

In 5 years time, Rose hopes for an increase in the size of the business and to add more products. His major challenges include issues of school fees and home expenses. Rose says that, he has a lot of appreciation for Finance South Sudan’s program and he wishes God to bless them.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details