A loan helped to buy plantains, peanuts, soda and other food products.

Julia Esperanza's story

Every two weeks, the 'Esfuerzo y Poder' community bank meet in Olmedo canton, in Manabí province. This area is known for its beautiful landscape and its hard-working people who farm and raise livestock.

Here we meet Julia. She is 59 years old, married, and has 14 children from her marriage. 13 of her children are now adults. Her youngest is 15 years old and still lives with her. He attends high school. Her husband is a builder and works on a casual basis.

Julia has a small business in her in her home where she sells empanadas, 'corviche', iced treats, soda and other drinks. She works every afternoon, from 3.00pm to 8.00pm. She also has two pool tables in her premises and people meet there to have fun and chat a while. Julia works there with her husband's help. She has been in her business for more than eight years and it has enabled her to get ahead in life.

Julia will use this loan to buy plantains, peanuts, soda and other food products that she needs for making her food. She has been a member of her community bank for nine loan cycles and she likes it because the loans are very helpful.

Julia's dream is for her youngest son to finish his studies and become an upstanding citizen.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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