A loan helped a member to buy drinks, food, baked goods, dairy products and other items.

Mujeres Activas Group's story

The women of the Mujeres Activas Communal Bank are from the city of Caacupé. They are very hardworking people who are very grateful to Fundación Paraguaya because, thanks to the ease of obtaining loans, they can invest in their businesses or start a new one.

The president, Sra. Lisia, lives with her husband and children. She does ñanduti [fine Paraguayan lace] crafts work and also has a small store in her house. She and the other members constantly engage in their businesses and promote mutual integration and try to make their payments early. She is a very resourceful and hardworking woman and saw a great opportunity to progress with the help of the Fundación.

She is requesting this loan to purchase drinks, food, baked goods, dairy products and other items so that she will be able to continue growing as a small business and provide a more varied inventory to her customers.

In this group: Lisia Rosmari, Antonia, Marcelina, Edina, Blanca, Demetria, Elida, Catalina, Nilda, Maria, Marciana, Nora, Maria

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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