Dora is 44 years old and in a common-law relationship with her partner. They have four children: a 24-year-old, 15-year-old twins, and the youngest is 8 years old. Dora and her family live in their own home in the town of Kimiri in the District of Chanchamayo. She works in coordination on her farm. Dora grows coffee and bananas on two plots of land located several minutes away from town. With the help of her husband and oldest son, she is able to optimize the care she provides to her crops. Everything depends on how they manage their time.
Her husband also provides transportation services using his own automobile. His route stretches from La Merced to Puente Paucartambo. He travels Monday through Saturdays. In this manner, he is able to provide financial income to support their four children, especially the twins and the 8-year-old since they are of school age.
Dora wants to expand her production of coffee, so she will replace some of the plants that have withered with ones that will generate beans. This will be her first time to access a loan from MFP. For this reason, she takes responsibility of her monthly payments. Dora is part of the Communal Bank "Virgen del Carmen" and is pleased that she shares the same interests with her fellow members. Upon receipt of the money, she will invest in the purchase of 3000 coffee seedlings so that she can replace her crops.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.