A loan helped to buy pants and blouses.

Julia Mariana's story

Julia is a 43-year-old woman who has many goals for her clothing-sales business to prosper in the coming years.

Her story began because she needed to increase her income. She sold a few things or clothing to family members, but now she sells to friends and neighbors. She works alone. Every day she goes out to sell from 3 in the afternoon until 7 in the evening. What is difficult for her are the distances between her house and the central areas of the parish.

She is married and her husband works as a warehouseman for Coca-Cola. She has three young children who are in public school.

Her dream is to give her family financial stability and finish building her house. For this reason she wants the loan, to have more income in her clothing sales by buying clothes such as pants and blouses.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

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