A loan helped to buy more items to sell, such as soft drinks, rice and canned goods.

Geradio's story

25-year-old Geradio is a married man with a seven-year-old child. He lives in the town of Trinidad, Bohol with his family.

Geradio runs an auto repair shop. He is able to provide for his family with his income. Five months ago, he started a sari-sari store business to help improve his income. He sells items like spices, coffee, eggs and soft drinks.

Geradio works hard to support his family and sustain his child's education. It is his dream to have his child finish college and have a bright future.

Geradio has requested this loan to buy more items to sell, such as soft drinks, rice and canned goods. He hopes for this loan to help grow his sari-sari store business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details