A loan helped to buy a new washing machine.

Cristina's story

Cristina, 42, is a hardworking woman. She lives with her father, Roberto, who she cares for in her own home, located in the city of Tambo. In search of opportunities to generate income, she has developed a number of activities, such as the sale of beauty products through a catalog. In addition, she collects disposable materials to recycle, which she sells to a company that is well-known in this area. But her main economic activity is providing laundry services. She has 3 washers, and has 3 years of experience in this line of work, which has helped her to gain regular customers who visit her constantly. According to Cristina, the biggest service she provides is washing blankets, which generates more income for her. For this reason, she wants to buy a new washer that is bigger. Her work philosophy has always been to do excellent work, and this allows her to gain the confidence of her customers, who in turn recommend her services to others. Now she wants to contact the recycling companies in the capital so that she can expand this business, because she sees a good future there. She belongs to the communal bank "Porvenir 2 de Mayo," and this is the 10th loan that they have taken with MFP, where she awaits your cooperation so that she can continue with her plans. Furthermore, she promises to comply with the payment terms on the loan. In addition, she appreciates being part of her communal bank, because all of the members are supportive and responsible people. Cristina, once she receives this loan, will invest in the purchase of a new washing machine for her business.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

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