A loan helped a member to buy clothing and bags of rice to sell.

Faroles De Esperanza 6 Group's story

Martina is the coordinator of her group, Faroles de Esperanza 6 ("lanterns of hope"). Her group is located in the urban slums surrounding Santiago, an area known for its tobacco production, where running water (none of which is potable) and electricity are unreliable.

Martina makes her home here in a simple structure with her long-term partner and one child. She plans to use this loan to invest in her business of selling miscellaneous products, specially clothes and rice. The clothes she sells by walking around. For the rice, she has a group of clients who pay her every week one tenth the price of a sack of rice, and every week she gives one sack of rice to her clients, in the order on her list. She will use this loan to buy jean, skirts, shirts, etc. and two sacks of rice. She will use the profit to reinvest in her business.

Martina is excited to be taking her first loan with Esperanza after having successfully repaid a previous loan and grown her business. She thanks you all for your support.

In this group: Martina, Lesbia, Dionisia, Lorenzo, Francia

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